Saturday, January 19, 2013

Asian Lettuce Wraps

-cut chicken in small cubes
-kikkoman stir-fry sauce
-kung pao stir fry sauce, any
-hoison sauce, any
-ginger and garlic
-saracha chili sauce
-little sesame oil
-spring onion
-little rice wine vinegar
-water chestnuts chopped

-soy sauce
-white pepper
-cornstarch, not too much
-marinate chicken for an hour
-before u cook it, keep at room temperature for an hour at least

-fry chopped garlic and garlic, don't let burn
-stir fry chicken
-put on high fire to cook the outside
-add the three sauces, couple tablespoons of each, add more as needed
-add little rice wine vinegar and sesame oil, also chili sauce
-add water chestnuts and spring onions

Serve with lettuce cups.

Note: I couldn't find the Kung Pao stir fry sauce last time, but I found a szechuan stir fry sauce that I used instead...little spicier